Vision, Values and Ethos
We firmly believe that Every Child Matters and aim to provide all children in our care with a broad and balanced curriculum where they can enjoy their experiences and achieve highly with a rich curriculum relevant to the 21st century. We aim to serve the community and promote lifelong learning for all.
L | life long learning |
U | understanding the needs of everyone |
D | developing ourselves to reach our full potential |
W | working together |
O | organising |
R | respecting one another |
T | team work |
H | helping one another |
Our Vision Statement
At Ludworth Primary School we work hard to ensure that all children have an equal experience, regardless of their gender, faith, ethnicity, physical ability, social / emotional or mental health need, sexual orientation or financial status. We aim to promote respect for one another, the world around us and everyone in it. We support all children in becoming independent individuals of good character who support each other and have resilience so that they can face any challenge that comes their way. We encourage children to aim for excellence in everything they do and to achieve at the highest standard they are able to. We help our children to understand their rights and the rights of others. We give children the skills they need to keep themselves and others safe by recognising and managing their own risks.
Our School Values
Children and staff worked together to think about what we feel our school stands for and what we want our school to reflect. This was then shared with parents so that they could make any suggestions if they wished. This is what we came up with:
We work hard to ensure that there is no inequality of experience for any groups of people, including those who are less well off financially than others.
We treat each other as we like to be treated ourselves.
Diamond Power
We learn to solve our own problems. We develop independence and grow our ability to learn.
We want to be the best that we can be and aim high.
Ruby Power
We support each other and are happy to celebrate each other’s success. We are kind to one another.
We aim for excellence in everything we do.
We work hard and are proud to achieve at the highest level we are able to do.
Emerald Power
When things are challenging, we persevere, keep calm and keep going. We have resilience.
We work hard to meet the rights of everyone.
Managing Risks
We can identify risks and hazards and we manage these ourselves.
Staying Safe
We work together to keep ourselves and each other safe.
This is the values display in our school entrance. It was made with the help of two former pupils who returned to school to carry out volunteering activities for their Duke of Edinburgh Award.
As a school we are committed to safeguarding - to the welfare and protection of all children in our care. Our Keeping Children Safe in School policy exists to help children and is part of the school's approach to safeguarding. The policy outlines strict procedures which staff must follow should an issue arise regarding a child’s safety. A copy of this policy is located in the 'School Policies' section of this website. Mrs Crosby is the designated Child Protection Officer in the school alongside Mr Leake and Mrs Robinson, who can both deputise in this role in Mrs Crosby's absence.
British Values
At Ludworth Primary School we take our responsibility to prepare children for life in modern Britain very seriously. We ensure that the fundamental British Values are introduced, discussed and lived out through the ethos and work of the school. All curriculum areas provide a vehicle for furthering understanding of these concepts and, in particular, our RE and PSHE lessons provide excellent opportunities to deepen and develop understanding. Children embrace these concepts with enthusiasm and demonstrate a good understanding of their application to their own lives.
The school makes considerable efforts to ensure children have exposure to a wide experience beyond their local community during which these concepts are shown, through for example, sporting events, a range of visits and use of outdoor education centres. Their strong rooted values-based understanding gives them an excellent platform for embracing difference. Our international links and International School Status supports this.
Children have a firm understanding of democracy largely due to the work of our own School and Class Councils. Our integrated system of ensuring all children have a voice in our school prepares children very well to be the responsible, decision making citizens of the future.
Our very close work with the police through our participation in the Mini Police project, not only provides the children with an insight into the wide and varied work of the police, it also helps the children to experience first-hand why the rule of law is so important and how it is enforced.
We also have very close links to our local social housing provider – Durham City Homes. Through these links we have carried out a variety of projects aimed at improving the local environment as well as raising awareness of community responsibility for looking after ourselves, each other and our surroundings. We broaden children's ideas of 'community' and 'neighbours' by focusing on events in the world and running events to help those who need it. For example, children enjoy raising money and they recently carried out a run to help Zambia.
Assemblies are regularly used to address equality and diversity issues. We have welcomed a variety of visitors to lead assemblies who are from a variety of backgrounds. We also regularly use books to explore concepts such as the different ways that families can be made up, for example involving different faith groups, ethnicity or same sex parents.