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School Admissions


We offer nursery places in the morning session for all nursery aged children who are entitled to 15 hours of provision. We also offer an afternoon nursery session for nursery aged children who are entitled to 30 hours of provision. 

Since September 2017, we have offered 30 hours Nursery provision to working families who meet the Government's eligibility criteria. To find out more about this, please see our Nursery Admissions Policy (below) or contact the school office.

We admit children in the term following their third birthday.  Places are given based upon when children turn three. 

If two children turn three on the same day and only one place is available the following will be considered:

  • Looked after children
  • Children with siblings in the school
  • Children whose parents reside in the nearest area of the school;
  • Children whose parents can demonstrate that the child has particular needs which make their request for admission exceptional;

School also offers 5 'Play and Learn' places for 2-year-old children whose families have received a 'Golden Ticket' from the Local Authority. The sessions for 2-year-old children take place on an afternoon, from 12.30pm - 3.30pm. Please see our admissions policy (below) for more details on this.

Admission to Primary School

Our pupil admission limit is set at 15 for each year group from Reception to Year 6.  If you require a place for your child at our school, please contact the admissions team at Durham County Council Durham School Places and Admissions based at County Hall.  If more than 15 apply for places in a year group the same criteria as  nursery admissions is applied. 

You must make an application for your child's school place as there is no automatic transfer from nursery to Reception.

If you are considering applying for a place in our school, you are very welcome to come and visit our school. Please contact the school office to arrange this.