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School Policies

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Absence from School

We strongly encourage good attendance and ask parents to phone us immediately if a child cannot attend school.

If your child needs to attend a medical appointment, please let the school know in advance.  

Government legislation from September 2013 states that head teachers cannot authorise holidays during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances. Please see the Local Authority leaflet at the end of this page for more guidance to align with the changes in policy from September 2024 onwards.


As we teach our children, we are constantly assessing their progress in all areas of the curriculum.

We timetable an assessment week at the end of every term to carry out standardised NfER assessments so that we know how well our children are performing when measured against a national standard. Alongside this, we use STAR Reader and a Maths test so that we are sure that children have remembered their learning.

Reception children are assessed using the statutory Reception Baseline Assessment materials provided by the DfE.

Year 1 children's phonics knowledge is assessed using the national phonics check.

Children who are in Year 4 take the National Mutiplication Tables Check online in June every year. 

We are required to carry out Standard Assessment Tests (SATs) at the end of KS2 (Y6).  Key Stage 2 (KS2) SATs include formal tests in English - which includes reading, spelling, punctuation and grammar - and Mathematics. Writing levels are also reported to the Department for Education. 

Causes for Concern Procedures

If you have a concern about your child, please discuss it in the first instance with your child’s teacher.  Usually, all problems can be rectified through this method.  If the problem persists, then please speak to the Head Teacher.

The Education Act 2002 requires all schools to have in place a School Complaints Procedure.  A copy of this document can be found at the bottom of this page.

The school tries to resolve matters and deal with complaints informally wherever possible. Complainants are encouraged to discuss the issue directly with the staff member or governor concerned.

If issues are not resolved, the complainant must take the complaint to the Head Teacher, who will seek to manage it informally by:

  • Acknowledging the complaint
  • Making enquiries to establish the facts
  • Seeking advice as appropriate
  • Attempting to resolve the issue
  • Establishing whether the complainant is satisfied

If the complainant is not satisfied with the outcome and wants the complaint to be considered formally, the Head Teacher will advise him/her of the next steps. The Head Teacher should then make a note of the complaint and the outcome.

Discipline & Behaviour

Our children need to feel happy and safe when they attend our school.  We encourage our children to care for one another and our school building.  Our behaviour policy promotes and rewards good behaviour using a consistent approach. Our staff are trained in the use of Restorative Approach to support children in sorting out any conflicts. Every child has the right to:-

  • Learn
  • Be listened to
  • Be safe
  • Be treated with fairness and respect

Please see the updated behaviour policy at the bottom of this page. If you are viewing this content through our Parent Zone, this policy can be found in the 'About Us' section of the website.


At Ludworth Primary School we are committed to providing equal opportunities for all of our pupils.  This means we equally value the unique qualities of the individual and that in our daily school life we look at the world from everyone’s point of view.  We oppose discrimination on the grounds of gender, ability, religion, sexuality or class and actively teach children to recognise and combat discrimination themselves. Our full Equalities Statement, Policy and Information can be found at the bottom of the school policies page in the About Us section.

Our Equal Opportunity Objectives

  1. To tackle prejudice and promote understanding in relation to people with disabilities.
  2. To promote spiritual, moral, social and cultural development through all appropriate curricular opportunities, with particular reference to issues of equality and diversity.
  3. To ensure that children do not suffer differences in school experience as a result of their family’s financial status.

Health & Safety

We work very closely with the Health and Child Welfare Authorities and the staff from the school nursing team makes regular and routine visits.  We need to know if children have any medical conditions and staff will work closely with parents to ensure that medical needs can be met within school.

For minor accidents in school, one of our trained first-aiders will administer first aid.  If children are ill or have a serious accident in school, our policy is to contact parents immediately.  For this, we require an address and telephone number.  If we fail to contact a parent or named substitute, then we will take whatever emergency action seems to be required and contact a medical expert.

As the safety of our children is paramount, parents are asked not to drive into the school car park or park on the zig-zag line outside of school.  To keep our school secure all outside doors are locked from 9am.  Any pupil arriving after this time must enter via the main entrance and report to the school office.


The administration of prescribed medicines is a parental responsibility and parents may come to administer drugs if required.  Our medically trained staff are able to administer prescribed medication if the need arises.  In order to request this, parents must speak to a first-aider and fill in the necessary medication forms.

During the summer term when the weather is hot, parents must ensure that children have high factor sun cream applied before they attend school.  A labelled bottle of sun cream can be brought into school, and children must be able to apply this themselves, supervised by a member of staff.  Caps should be worn to protect the head and eyes.

Keeping Children Safe in School

The school has rigorous procedures in place in order to ensure all children are safe. Our Safeguarding and Child Protection policy is reviewed at least every year to ensure that it is compliant with the latest version of Keeping Children Safe in Education. We have also implemented a 'Visiting Speakers' policy to ensure that we are vetting anyone who comes into school to talk to the children for any forms of radicalisation or extremism. These policies can be found at the foot of this page. If you are viewing this page in the Parents Zone, please refer to the 'About Us' section to view these policies.

Charging and Remissions Policy

See attachment below ( If you are viewing this page through the Parent Zone section, this policy can be found in the 'About Us' section > School Policies).

Anti-Bullying Policy

See attachment below ( If you are viewing this page through the Parent Zone section, this policy can be found in the 'About Us' section > School Policies).

Relationships and Sex Education Policy

At Ludworth Primary School, we use the Happy Centred School programme as our Personal Social Emotional and Relationships and Sex Education. More information can be found in the curriculum section of our website and the policy can be viewed below.