Remote Learning
Here at Ludworth we were very proud of our remote learning offer for the duration of the national lockdown. We worked hard with parents to evaluate the online capacity of each child. Every child has a Microsoft 365 account set up by our Local Authority and all staff have been trained on using Microsoft TEAMs to support remote learning, including hosting live teaching sessions, uploading learning resources and providing feedback to children. During the Autumn term 2020 teachers held a series of Teams meetings with parents to introduce them to the format if they had not had the opportunity to use it before.
School purchased a number of Google Chromebooks and 4G wireless hubs to support families to get online. These were supplemented by a number of laptops from the Department for Education. We now know that all of our families are able to access our online remote learning offer. We continue to maintain list of all the families who would require a device or an Internet connection should we need to move to remote learning in future.
Teachers hosted two to three live teaching sessions daily. Work and extra support links were uploaded and teachers provided parents with a weekly overview so that they know what was being taught and when live sessions were timetabled. School sent home exercise books, pencils and other stationary items so that children could complete work in a more traditional way as well as online. Whiteboards were sent home with our youngest children so that they could take part in interactive teaching sessions such as phonics, handwriting and number work. Teachers provided feedback on completed work, both during live sessions and online. Parents and children could contact teachers using TEAMs chat throughout the day. Teachers would then either respond using chat or call the child to support. Parents were required to supervise any one to one support sessions online.
Our remote learning curriculum was closely aligned to what children would have been doing in school if they were in attendance (see curriculum section of this website for more information). Children in our Key Worker and Vulnerable children provision also took part in the live online teaching sessions and completed the same work as children at home. This means that all children were having the same learning experiences at the same time and we saw that this made coming back to school much easier.
Teachers kept records of attendance at live teaching sessions as well as records of work completed online. Parents were contacted if children missed sessions so that teachers could identify barriers to engagement and offer necessary support.
Please see guidance document below that was sent to all parents. It outlines expectations of school and home, as well as advice around safeguarding including online safety and safety during live teaching sessions.
Our staff constantly reviewed how effective our remote offer was. Weekly staff meetings were held via TEAMs and this meant that improvements and developments could be consistently applied across the school.
Mrs J Sones